He has worked so hard these last 3 years, yet he didn't let school get in the way of spending time with his family. He is an amazing father, whom Max adores so much. Every day, when Max hears the keys in the door, he runs over to greet his daddy with a huge smile on his face. Max and I are incredibly blessed to have a worthy priesthood holder in our home, who presides over and provides for his family. I hope every day, that I am doing all I can to let him know how much I love and appreciate everything he does for us.
Thank you, Bryan, for choosing me to be your wife, for telling me every day that you love me, for telling me how beautiful I am. Thank you for taking time every day to play with your son and for giving him kisses and looking at him adoringly, knowing that you are blessed to have him. Thank you for working the hardest you have ever worked to finish law school. And thank you, Mark and Barbara, for adopting and raising such an incredible man.
There he is!! They had a whole bagpipe band playing while they walked in and out.
Back row, on the far end.
There he goes to get his diploma!
The whole ceremony Max kept saying, "see dada?"
I cried...
Happy family.
Proud dad. He cried...
The hood, is what that long thing is called apparently. They're pretty cool.
In front of the law building.
This was our first visit to the school and then 2.5 years later!
Pretty much the only place that says "School of Law" is in front of the law building.
Same spot, beginning and end.
Pregnant, yuck.
Max always tries to push away from me when I take pictures like this with him.
Law school graduate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!