
Daisypath Anniversary tickers


Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, March 24, 2013

I Had a Birthday!

I guess that's worth mentioning on here. It was on February 4th and I turned 26! I think it's a good age to be. My birthday was on a Monday, which is Bryan's SUPER long day at school so we decided to have dinner and "cake" and home and then go out to dinner the next day. Bryan picked me up a gyro for my birthday dinner and he and Max had something from home, I can't remember what though. Bryan made my mom's delicious cream cheese pie/cheesecake thing that I hadn't had in forever! I'm not a big cake fan, so this was perfect for me. The only downside is that it's a lot smaller than cake so it didn't last as long as I would have liked. Next time we'll have to make two. I had been craving shrimp, so we went to Red Lobster for dinner the next day; sooooo worth it!
 I got a wonderful stash for my birthday this year: Hershey's kisses (I love having my b-day so close to Valentine's day), The King's Speech, Extraordinary Measure's, Walmart gift card (to buy new nail polish), a super cool bamboo plant, and best of all, tickets to see Sweeney Todd!!!! We LOVE Sweeney Todd and it was such a good production! We had second row seats and Bryan even got pointed out as a potential victim during the song "A Little Priest".
 Bryan took Max with him to get my gyro and the owner was so kind to them. He gave Max an apple and Max munched on it the whole way home and didn't put it down until he was finished. (This picture obviously reminds me of what the boys had for dinner: leftover pizza. Yum.)
 The best picture I could get with Max.
 This really makes me want to make another pie thingy (I don't know what it is technically).
We forgot the camera when we went to Red Lobster, so this is the only picture we took with Bryan's phone. He's stingy with his phone. Max had shrimp for the first time though and he actually liked it!

1 comment:

Simonds Family said...

26, we're on the downhill towards 30-yikes! ;-)